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Where Does Health Happen?

No one really wants to make changes in their life. 
 It's just human nature,especially if it goes against some of your most inherent beliefs and long time habits.  I know, I was like you, skeptical of new ideas.
I couldn't fathom that some of my "healthy" habits were actually hurting me.  
We are all wrapped up in our day to day lives and want to save our energy for bigger  ticket items like work and family decisions. And if you ask 10 different people where does health happen, I am sure you will get 10 different answers. So it's no wonder you are feeling fatigued, have brain fog, joint pain, weight resistance,  or even digestive issues.  Maybe you even have an unexplained anxiety, skin issues or a new food sensitivity?  These symptoms can all be related to an increase in inflammation. Your body is talking to you and you need to listen!   
Chronic disease is increasing at an alarming rate.  
We could take a deep dive into a scientific discussion and hit the highlights of high school biology,  but as a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, I know health happens, like rain drops,  with the little things we do everyday.  They ripple and all add up one at a time, over time.
Health happens at the tip of your fork or in your shopping cart.  It happens with the air in your house  the water you drink and the products you put on your skin.  Equally important , are our relationships in our family, community and professional environments.

You see over time, the good ripples add up as well as the bad.  When we are unknowingly bombarded with food, products and lifestyles that are toxic to us, little by little our health slips away and we don't even notice.  Then, when we experience chronic health symptoms we wonder how it happened . 

We have all have accumulated heavy metals and other toxins through just living.  Today  these  agents are stronger than before and have cumulative effects as they add up to create a toxic cocktail within us.  And to add insult to injury we have gotten worse at purging them from our bodies. Honestly we never really stood a chance.  Even if you think you have a healthy lifestyle, you have been exposed.  These toxins have gotten more potent over time and are hiding in plain sight.  And we unwittingly invite them into our life.  
So if chronic symptoms are robbing you of your vitality and keeping you from living your best life then it may be time for detox.  Like me, I bet you have dozens of recipes for green smoothies, a partial container of chlorella and maybe even some activated charcoal.  Food based cleanses are a good start but are superficial at best.  
Detox has come a long way in the last few years.  There are now cutting edge, science based and biotech methods to perform detox at the cellular level and get you back to your best self.  

 So what if the next big breakthroughs in health technology was actually something small?  
 Cellular health and the products that support cellular health, like redox and detox therapies,  are the new driving force in solving the problem of chronic disease. With this new model of medicine that includes key supplements and lifestyle change these diseases can be preventable or even treatable.  Our understanding of disease is now transforming because of emerging science and the new understanding of the mechanisms of disease.  Targeting root causes at the cellular level are yielding better outcomes than conventional care.
We are so used to thinking about our health by body part.  We even find ourselves labeled and identified as the disease our doctors tell us we have.  But there is a grass roots movement exponentially growing as our population becomes more and more chronically ill and our doctors run out of disease names.  Health is happening at the cellular level and people are healing themselves by finding the root cause of their chronic symptoms.  This Functional Medicine model has been adopted by many prestigious doctors and hospitals notably the Cleveland Clinic. They have embraced and pioneered this solution that will drive the change in healthcare. 

According to Dr. Daniel Pompa, a global leader in the health and wellness industry, our modern healthcare system is notorious for prescribing pharmaceutical medications to manage the symptoms of the disease. In doing so, we aren't addressing the root cause. These drugs come with a host of side effects, which are then “treated” with more pharmaceuticals. This catch 22 can continue on indefinitely without ever truly healing the individual. Treating the root causes of a disease requires a much more profound understanding of our natural human biology. One such discovery is that of redox, a signaling process that is involved with a wide range of biological processes from inflammation to cancer. By harnessing the wisdom of redox science, we can start to address the root causes of modern disease, and give the body the building blocks it needs to heal itself.

Cellular health is at the foundation of all disease. If your cells are not healthy you can't be healthy.  Functional Medicine is the concept that your body is  a system and that each part is related and has effects on other parts.  For instance, what happens in your gut doesn't stay in your gut,  it's not like Vegas, LOL.  Instead, what happens in your gut effects your brain or your joints and so on.  So treating a symptom in one area is more of a band aid but will never get rid of your root cause.  This is called going "upstream". This process of finding the root cause in the upstream pathways unlocks healing at so many levels.   
Chasing symptoms from hidden infections won't do any good until you rid yourself of the causes that are literally masking and camouflaging things like candida, lyme, parasites, mold, and other pathogens from your body's own defense systems.   Even if you haven't been diagnosed with these upstream causes, today's chronic illnesses are its symptomatology.  You see, these pathogens are opportunistic and your toxic burden is the only reason they can exist.  Studies have shown that they use the metals and toxins to build walls / biofilms that your immune system can't penetrate.  Sounds like bio-warfare to me.   
Miraculously, when the cells function as they were meant to, the metals and toxins come out.  Then the exposures and other triggers are eliminated, the immune system comes back online, and the treatments work.  Then people get better.  

So let's talk about how we can work together to get you back to your best self.  
I am available for a free discovery call to explore how we can get your cellular health back .
